__Reforestation is replanting forests that have been felled (barren,
bald). Reforestation is useful to improve the quality of human life by absorbing pollution and dust from the air, rebuild habitat and ecosystem nature, prevent global warming by capturing carbon dioxide from the air, and used the results (mainly wood), rebuilding habitats and ecosystems nature.
Lately we can feel that the effects of global warming such as air temperature is getting warmer and the water level rises further. We  all know one way to reduce global warming is to do reforestation. By reforestation, the oxygen level will increase because trees produce oxygen so that the temperature of the air becomes cool. The following are some benefits of reforestation:
1.    Reforestation can stabilizes slopes. Mudslides normally occur in areas where trees have been felled. Since grasses are incapable of holding the soil, floods and mudslide occur and claim thousands of lives (for example Haiti after the hurricane). Planting trees in slopes is a surefire way of stabilizing slopes in areas that are prone to flooding and mudslides.
2.    Water holding areas. Trees and woodlands also act as water reservoirs as they prevent the occurrence of flash floods. In addition to that, because of their storage capacity, they keep water in ponds and streams – which is used when water is scarce.
3.    Reforestation is also very influential on the survival of animals, which can save their habitats by reforestation.
4.    Reforestation also indirectly help create employment opportunities, especially for the people around. Reforestation also provides many job opportunities to people who lack the skills needed in other sectors. Planting trees can therefore generate employment, especially to the local people. Besides planting trees, woodlands store carbon and prevent global warming.
there are a lot of obstacles in implementing reforestation. Minister of Forestry Zulkifli said that the cause of damage to forest is  land exploitation, which are changed to plantations and mines. He added that regional autonomy also plays a role since the local government allegedly gives permission too easy for foreign investors. He said it has provided 500 million trees for reforestation. People can collect trees in forestry ministries and all agencies across Indonesia and they will not be charged for the trees that are used for reforestation

Benefit.org. 19/07/2011. Benefits of Reforestation, available at: http://benefitof.net/benefits-of-reforestationn , Acess on : October 28, 2011

Ecologic.com. 14/10/2007. Reforestation, available at: http://www.ecologic.org/reforestation , Acess on : October 28, 2011

nrdc.org. 22/11/2005 . Global Warming Puts the Arctic on Thin Ice - , Available at: http://www.nrdc.org/globalwarming/qthinice.asp, acsess on: October 23, 2011

Thejakartapost.com/30/10/2011. Scene Bloggers Support Reforestation, available at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2011/10/17/scene-bloggers-support-reforestation-campaign.html Acess on : October 28, 2011

Wikipedia.org.22/09/2011. Reforestation, available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reforestation , access on: October 22, 2011

Wikipedia.org.22/09/2011. Reforestation, available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reforestation , access on: October 22, 2011
3/18/2013 03:42:02 am

I have come to the conclusion that we all have a little blame global warming and its consequences and guilt even more politicians who do not slow down.


8/9/2016 05:03:12 am



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