Car is one of the most important vehicles in our earth. But the car can make a dangerous pollution that can harm our environment. So the car maker is thinking that they can make a car that producing a little amount of pollution so they can save the earth and they finally make ECO CAR! Eco cars are vehicles that run using a combination of two or more power sources. There are also other benefits of eco car.

Here’s the full news!!

Why car is important?? Having a car is important because it can get you to places quicker. Other than that, some people get cars because of the freedom, style and status symbol that come along with it. Whatever the reason people buy cars, no one can deny the comfort and convenience they provide.

Not all pollution produced by cars is the same. But, In fact there are two types of pollution discharged by petrol vehicles.

1.       Exhaust emissions: including dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, hydrocarbons and particulates.

2.       Evaporative emissions: vapors of fuel which is released into the atmosphere, without being burnt.

Fuel vapor can be seen coming out of the car's petrol tank when you fill up at the service station, and can be reduced if we avoid spilling petrol and overfilling our cars. Properly fitted fuel caps can also stop further leakage of fuel vapors.

This is some example of eco car. Those are: The Mercedes-Benz F 600 HYGENIUS, Volvo Plug In Hybrid, Toyota Prius Hybrid.

So, what is exactly a hybrid car and why is it getting the attention of other people aside from our environmentalist friends?  Hybrid cars are vehicles that run using a combination of two or more power sources.  These make use of solar energy, kinetic energy, electric energy, coal among others, combined with the power of gasoline.  Most hybrid cars however, run on electric energy and kinetic energy with gasoline.  Hybrid cars look basically the same as your conventional cars.  The difference lies in the engine and elsewhere.  A hybrid car’s engine is smaller, and it is made of lightweight material.  It also uses a specially inflated tire to suit the car’s need.

These are other benefits of Eco Car.

First, Fuel costs. Hybrids cars use electric batteries as well as a petrol engine to help use less fuel which means you won't have to spend as much money to top up your car, in many cases as long as you aren't driving over a certain speed then you will barely touch the petrol at all. LPG conversions can help save money on fuel as well because the fuel is significantly cheaper than Petrol or Diesel and has a lower level of duty and taxation.

Second, Tax costs. The amount that drivers pay for road tax is now determined by the emissions levels put out by your car, these newer, greener vehicles can have as little as £0 to pay for Road Tax and other eco models of many popular cars can have very low tax costs to pay. This is hoped to encourage more people to switch to a greener vehicle as a cut in taxes is too good an opportunity to pass up.

These are some example statements from the authorities.

First, “If a car is well maintained and properly tuned it is likely to emit between 9 to 25 per cent less pollution into the atmosphere than a similar, poorly maintained vehicle. In addition, well maintained cars are also more fuel you and your family have more money to spare for things other than petrol!” said the Victorian. Second, “Hybrid vehicles are starting to enter the mainstream” Toyota Motor.


Adams, Phil.2010.What Are The Features and Benefits of Going Green. Available at:

Accessed on: 17th November 2011

Brosnan, Mike.2011.Hybrid Car – Hybrid Car Home. Availableat:

Accessed on: 31st October 2011

Industries, Overhaul.2011. Why Choose Hybrid Cars? What is the Hybrid Car?.Available at :

Accessed on: 15th November 2011

Kitchen Furnitures.2011.Why Car is Important. Available at:

Accessed on: 16th November 2011

Madslien, John.2011. Toyota targets hybrid growth. Available at: Accessed on: 16th November 2011 Victoria EPA.2011.Oh what a year!.Available at :

Accessed on: 16th November 2011

Victoria EPA.2011.The Impact of Petrol Run Vehicles. Available at:

Accessed on: 16th November 2011

susi musianah
3/13/2012 09:24:56 pm

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You may noticed that pollution is increasing rapidly and we are ourselves polluting the environment even with the Eco friendly alternates resources availability. As traffic on the roads are increasing but so many cars are smoking badly and effecting the Eco system. I really like your work for spreading awareness to use alternates and nature friendly resources for their cars.


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